Today I became a Father. Holy shit. This feels surreal. I read somewhere that giving birth is like running an ultra marathon. After what I saw my girl experience today I’m not sure an ultra marathon is that difficult. I’m so proud of my partner for delivering this baby like an absolute champ.
The blockheight my child entered this world. Sloan if you ever read this now you know ;).
Hahahaha my partner’s face was pretty priceless when I told her the blockheight. Let the record show I waited to check and subtracted time because at first I was balling tears of joy looking at Sloan when she entered this world. My partner was in actual shock. It felt surreal to her as it does for me. Probably more so for her at first though because she carried and birthed the thing.
She has been such a good child. Not whiny, latched to my girl right away for breastfeeding, and is adorable. Wild seeing what a little human looks like. Anyways, I’m exhausted, my partner is exhausted, and every time I try to write more I end up being distracted. Changing diapers has already been a blast. I’m sure fatherhood is going to be a grind, but it is also the most rewarding thing a human being can do so it’s worth it. I’m so grateful God gave my partner and I a healthy baby. I really am beyond blessed.
Conor Jay Chepenik