Day 486

3 min readJul 22, 2023


Decentralized systems offer unique advantages over centralized ones, as they cannot be fully controlled by a single entity. Their smaller, localized nature makes them more resilient and adaptable, reducing vulnerability to disruptions caused by extreme events or disasters. In contrast, centralized systems, with their complexity and interconnectivity, are prone to cascading failures and may struggle to recover from large-scale disturbances. It is essential to recognize that both decentralized and centralized systems have their tradeoffs, and a balanced approach is required for effective governance.

In addressing climate change, it is crucial to treat our environment with respect and acknowledge the interconnectedness of all living beings. It is also important to realize the climate can be brutal and often not something we can control. Rather than demonizing certain energy sources like fossil fuels, a more holistic approach should be adopted. This involves investing in reliable and sustainable energy solutions while preserving and protecting our forests and ecosystems. Nuclear energy comes to mind.

Encouraging responsible energy use is vital, as it allows people more time for innovation and progress. Changing our lifestyles to be more sustainable, such as consuming properly raised meat, reducing waste, and increasing recycling efforts, all contribute positively to the environment.

When dealing with complex issues like climate change, centralized planning has often shown limitations. Top-down approaches tend to be inflexible and may not fully address the unique needs and concerns of local communities. Instead, empowering local communities to take action on climate change is essential. Providing resources and support to incentivize positive behaviors, fostering innovation and collaboration, and recognizing the significance of affordable and abundant energy can all contribute to a more effective response to climate change.

Often we can’t even get weather forecasting correct and climate change is a broader, long-term phenomenon influenced by even more factors. Instead of relying solely on bureaucratic planning, building resilience and adaptability should be at the forefront of climate change initiatives. Creating a flexible framework that allows us to adapt to ongoing changes while learning from experience and scientific advancements is crucial for a sustainable future.

As humans, we have successfully harnessed the power of energy to adapt and thrive in diverse climates worldwide. It’s crucial to acknowledge our species’ diversity and recognize that individuals may respond differently to climate change. One shared objective that we can all agree upon is making transportation in cities more accessible and sustainable by promoting walking, public transport, biking, and eco-friendly driving options.

While trust is essential, it’s also wise to verify information and policies related to climate change. Being cautious about blindly following a specific agenda is reasonable, and it is essential to prioritize building strong communities and relationships with individuals who positively impact the world. One example of taking responsible action toward a more sustainable future is supporting local regenerative farmers who offer sustainable, locally-sourced meat at pop-up farmers’ markets in your area. I just bought some meat from a farmer like this yesterday and it felt amazing!

Humans have so much to offer other humans. It’s essential to avoid advocating for unreliable energy sources and demanding that developing countries immediately wean off fossil fuels, as these resources have played a significant role in the development of developed countries. The more people we can left out of poverty with cheap abundant energy the more we can help both developed and developing nations transition to cleaner energy sources over time.

By fostering a shared understanding of common-sense policies that benefit everyone and distinguishing them from opportunistic power grabs disguised as climate change initiatives, we can create a more united and effective approach to address the challenges posed by climate change. I’m hopeful more people will start to recognize what is good common sense policy for everyone and what is a power grab by kleptocrats under the guise of climate change.


Conor Jay Chepenik




Written by Chep

I've decided to write everyday for the rest of my life or until Medium goes out of business.

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