Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so today seems like a great day to write about gratitude. Plus I came across an amazing Twitter thread that gave me some simple yet profound tips.
I also spent time today making a 4chan GPT which can be found here for those interested. Instead of writing the takeaways I did a copy pasta on that tweet thread and asked 4chan GPT to cook.
Honestly not bad. I’m having so much fun playing with and building GPTs. This took me like 30 minutes to make yet the responses are pretty good. OpenAI, in my opinion, has done a good job aligning incentives well. The GPT builder allows anyone to make decent specialized GPTs. If you have serious tech skills you can build truly fantastic GPTs. Excited to see what happens when I actually create some legit datasets for the knowledge part of the GPT builder. If you thought more gratitude, less contempt 4chan text was good check this out.
This cracked me up. FUTURE IS BRIGHT! Stay hyped anon because if there is a will there is a way to do whatever you want. AI is going to do so much for the world, especially those who learn how to harness it to their advantage.
If you don’t believe me give this a listen. It really puts the whole AI discussion in a positive frame. You can fight this tech (and lose) or you can embrace it and prosper. Another way of saying that is you can have contempt for artificial intelligence or you can be grateful it is going to make your life much better. Choose wisely XD
Conor Jay Chepenik