Day 749

3 min readApr 10, 2024

Altcoin Season: A Comedy of Errors for the Shortsighted Investor

Altcoin season is upon us, a time when the cryptocurrency realm is swamped with an absurd variety of altcoins and memecoins, essentially a cosmic joke on financial steroids. In this era of rampant inflation, even the most prudent soul is forced to become a speculator, while blockchains, the supposed bastions of innovation, often resemble inefficient databases masquerading as revolutionary technology.

Picture a digital Las Vegas, where these altcoins serve as the chips for a speculative free-for-all, a high-stakes game where reason and logic are mere spectators. They emerge like mushrooms after a rainstorm, fueled by the intoxicating fumes of hype and the fear of missing out (FOMO). All the while, crypto whales wield their immense wealth as weapons of market manipulation, playing a game of digital Monopoly where the rules are constantly rewritten to suit their whims. It’s basically fiat currency 2.0, but in this case, it’s digital, and the Central Banks in this casino are the founders of these altcoin projects, endlessly changing their monetary policy to enrich themselves.

Bitcoin: The Immutable Bulwark Against Monetary Debasement

In stark contrast to this chaotic casino stands Bitcoin, the most important digital asset ever created and the most superior and secure blockchain. Unlike its altcoin counterparts, Bitcoin possesses an unwavering, immutable quality — its issuance rate is set in stone, with a finite supply of coins that will be unlocked at predetermined intervals, but no entity can create more.

Instead of being controlled from a central server, its code is spread across a global network of nodes run by individuals. This decentralization makes it nearly impossible to hack or alter Bitcoin’s core principles, as changing them would require overwhelming the network’s consensus.

Bitcoin is maintained by users worldwide who enforce the network’s rules by running nodes. Any change to Bitcoin’s protocol faces high resistance, safeguarding its design against unwarranted modifications. This system ensures that Bitcoin remains immune to the influences that have historically undermined both fiat currencies and altcoins.

The Altcoin Mirage: Speculators’ Playground

In the altcoin arena, speculators engage in a frenetic dance, each trying to outsmart the other in a zero-sum game reminiscent of musical chairs in a burning building. Here, even the heavyweights like Ethereum are called out for what they are: flashy tokens often built more for profit than for lasting value, like designer knock-offs sold at a premium. The switch to proof-of-stake was the final nail in the coffin for the number two cryptocurrency by market cap. Altcoins are, in essence, lottery tickets, but all the real value will be built on top of Bitcoin, and everything else is going to be like lotto tickets where such a small minority get rich while everyone else is left without any return on their money. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the top ten cryptocurrencies and see for yourself that a coin created as a joke, Dogecoin, is the 8th largest cryptocurrency. Dogecoin was literally made so people would send it to each other for making quality memes. Which in a way is awesome, but clearly not something to be used as a long term store of value. The market can stay irrational longer than most can stay solvent. So don’t try to beat it. Simply save in Bitcoin and don’t trade it for paper that can be printed at will by Central Banks.

Conclusion: Bitcoin’s Immutable Offer

While altcoins may offer the thrill of speculation and the allure of quick riches, Bitcoin represents the beacon of stability and longevity in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. It invites you to become a net producer, stack satoshis, be your own bank by running your own node, and take a dignified exit from the inflated fiat merry-go-round. Bitcoin isn’t merely a part of the crypto narrative; it’s the epic conclusion, the grand finale in the quest for sound money.

Humanity has finally found a form of money that can never be inflated, as its issuance schedule was set in stone on January 3rd, 2009, when Satoshi mined the genesis block. Every other digital asset is just a sideshow, a distraction from the true revolution that Bitcoin represents.


Conor Jay Chepenik




I've decided to write everyday for the rest of my life or until Medium goes out of business.