Day 768

3 min readApr 29, 2024

The inescapable reality of life is that difficulty is an inherent part of the human experience. We are constantly faced with choices that will shape the challenges we encounter. It’s a truth that becomes increasingly apparent as we navigate adulthood — it’s all about choosing your hard. The path of least resistance may seem alluring at first glance, offering temporary pleasure and convenience. However, this deceptive ease often leads to unfulfilling consequences that profoundly undermine our self-esteem, well-being, and overall life satisfaction.

Consider the hard path of maintaining an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle fueled by poor eating habits. While indulging in calorie-dense, processed foods and avoiding physical exertion may provide momentary gratification, the long-term ramifications can be devastating. Excess weight frequently breeds body image issues, social stigma, and romantic challenges, as physical attraction plays a pivotal role in any relationships. The internalized shame of feeling self-conscious about one’s appearance and lacking the confidence to remove a shirt in public settings can significantly erode self-esteem and self-worth.

The realm of personal finances offers another poignant example. Taking the easy route of living paycheck-to-paycheck, accruing debt, and neglecting to save or invest may provide fleeting pleasure through impulsive spending. However, this path often leads to constant financial stress, limiting one’s options and autonomy, ultimately impacting one’s sense of control over their life trajectory. The weight of such burdens can profoundly undermine self-respect and emotional well-being.

Even in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, one could choose the path of intellectual stagnation — mindlessly consuming low-quality content and neglecting self-improvement efforts. While this indulgence in passive entertainment may offer temporary diversion, it ultimately stunts personal development and can foster a deep sense of purposelessness and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Conversely, embracing the arduous journey of a disciplined, health-conscious lifestyle presents its own formidable set of challenges. Resisting temptations, meticulously planning nutritious meals, and consistently engaging in physical activity demand immense willpower and mental fortitude. The process tests our resilience as we push through discomfort, fatigue, and the allure of instant gratification. Likewise, actively managing one’s finances through budgeting, saving, and investing compels us to exercise delayed gratification and fiscal discipline — a constant battle against the consumerist tendencies that pervade our society.

Yet, the rewards of choosing these more challenging paths are profound and far-reaching. Beyond the obvious physical and financial benefits, committing to such arduous endeavors cultivates a deep sense of self-respect, resilience, and personal accomplishment. The ability to take pride in one’s appearance, physical prowess, financial stability, and intellectual growth is immensely empowering, fostering a robust self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.

Ultimately, while both paths present difficulties, the challenges inherent to disciplined, growth-oriented lifestyles are infinitely more conducive to personal fulfillment, self-acceptance, and holistic well-being. By consciously choosing the harder path that fosters self-improvement, we embark on a journey of empowerment and lasting happiness.

In our perpetual quest for a life well-lived, it becomes evident that actively selecting the form of adversity that aligns with our values and aspirations is of paramount importance. Embracing challenges that refine our character, cultivate discipline, and propel us towards personal growth is the path that leads to true self-actualization and contentment. Conversely, succumbing to the path of least resistance, while momentarily appealing, is a descent into the abyss of mediocrity, regret, and an unfulfilling existence.

Therefore, unless we wish to resign ourselves to a life of misery and squandered potential, the profound choice before us is clear: consistently pursue the harder path that elevates us as individuals. For it is only through consciously choosing the difficulties that make us better people that we can hope to attain the enduring happiness and self-esteem that eluded us on the road more traveled.


Conor Jay Chepenik




I've decided to write everyday for the rest of my life or until Medium goes out of business.