Day 918

2 min readSep 26, 2024


Been pushing myself to the limit this week with late-night runs and early morning workouts with Pops. I’m exhausted, but there’s a purpose to this grind. Come Friday, the payoff will be that much sweeter after enduring all these challenges. There’s something deeply satisfying about tackling these tough sessions, even when it’s the last thing I want to do in that moment. It’s not just about physical endurance, but about testing the limits of my willpower. Every rep and every step teaches me to push beyond my comfort zone, reminding me that growth only happens when we stretch ourselves.

But the real key to overcoming isn’t just in the effort; it’s in the mindset. St. Moses the Black’s words resonate with me because they remind me that humility is where true strength lies. Just like the grind is more than the sweat, overcoming life’s obstacles is more than sheer willpower. You can run faster and lift heavier, but if the heart isn’t rooted in humility, then it’s easy to lose sight of what matters. Humility allows us to keep perspective — to know that no matter how much we strive, it’s not always the external victories that define us but the quiet, internal battles we win along the way.

Glory be to God. The Alpha and the Omega. The creator of all life. My mans really woke up one day and said fiat lux. (I decree there be light). Thank God he did because life is great.


Conor Jay Chepeniik




Written by Chep

I've decided to write everyday for the rest of my life or until Medium goes out of business.

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